Senior Partner - M.No.5927
He is the Senior Partner in S.Mahadevan & Co since 1984.
Qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1977 and Cost Accountant in 1980. He is a product of M/S S.B.BILLIMORIA & CO. - BOMBAY, a leading firm of Chartered Accountants. He was part of the team looking after Audit of TATA Steel and TATA Motors amongst other clients at their Jamshedpur office. The firm subsequently became part of Deloitte - India, alongwith other leading firms A.F.Ferguson &Co., A.F.Ferguson Associates, C.C.Choksi & Co., P.C.Hansotia, Fraser & Ross Deloitte Haskins & Sells (India).
Past President (2011-12) of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (erstwhile ICWAI), he has been a Central Council Member for three terms from 2004 to 2015. He was the Chairman, Cost Accounting Standards Board of ICAI(CMA). He is member of CASB- Cost Accounting Standards Board and Expert Advisory Technical Cell of the Institute to issue clarifications on cost audit, cost records and related matters. Held various other key positions in several policy making and program implementing committees of the ICAI(CMA) as well as other institutions. He is also one of the jury members of TCM Assessment of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). He was also appointed as a Chairman of a committee appointed by RBI to study the Costs of Banking Operations of Government of India and suggest appropriate rates of reimbursement to banking sector for various services offered to it. He also represented the Institute of Cost Accountants of India in the Independent Evaluation Committee for evaluating CDR proposals as per Guidelines from Reserve Bank of India. He has been appointed as a National Mentor for Textiles by the TCM Sub committee of the Confederation of Indian Industry .